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Butterfly corkscrews and bunny head corkscrews

Time:2022-02-23 Views:

Due to the double-sided lever principle of the butterfly, the corkscrew does not require manual skills like a seahorse knife to keep the corkscrew perpendicular to the cork. This one, I thought it was especially suitable for home use, was affordable and easy to use, and usually came with a starter for opening beer, which was very cost-effective. Of course, compared with the seahorse knife, the butterfly shape is larger, and it is not suitable for carrying around.

This is the best choice for people who have no experience with corkscrews. They don't need to think about where to put the drill on the cork, nor do they need to keep the corkscrew vertical and put it on the bottle. On the top, the fine physical structure will help you avoid all worries. But the price is slightly expensive and it is not convenient to carry.
