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Celebrate Christmas with a bottle of sparkling wine!

Time:2022-05-05 Views:

Christmas, New Year's Day and New Year's Day are coming, and sparkling wine has become a must-have drink to celebrate these three festivals. For fashionistas who are following trends and those who are looking for quality of life, whether it is a gathering of friends, a family dinner or a festive gift, it is always necessary to prepare some champagne and other sparkling wine, because sparkling wine is a joyous The water of celebration can create a festive atmosphere. But picking the right one from the many sparkling wines can be overwhelming. However, after understanding the characteristics of the following major sparkling wines, you will suddenly be enlightened.


The real champagne must be produced in the Champagne region of France, and must use the traditional champagne production method - secondary fermentation in the bottle. Champagne is made from Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier. Champagne sparkling wine generally has obvious yeast and bread smell, fine bubbles and high quality. Champagne also has a vintage. Vintage champagne is generally made from grapes with better quality in that year. They not only have unique personality, but also have fine bubbles. They take more than 5 years to mature, and the price is quite expensive. 1985, 1988, 1990 and 1995 are the 4 best vintages in the last 20 years.

Champagne is mostly expensive and suitable for consumption by the wealthy. Well-known champagne brands are: Moet & Chandon, Perrier-Jouet and Krug.


Cava is the signature of Spanish sparkling wine. This sparkling wine is made in the same way as French champagne, but with different grapes. Some people say that if French champagne is a polite gentleman, then Spanish cava is a passionate bullfighter. Spanish Master of Wine Pancho Campo once said, "Cava has the comfort, joy and freedom of the Spaniards flowing in its bones." Therefore, for those who are chasing freedom and sunshine, Cava is a good choice choose.


In Italy, Prosecco is not only a sparkling wine, but also the name of a grape variety. Prosecco is generally lighter in body and more fruity than Champagne. Prosecco is a bit sweeter than other sparkling wines, and is not the same as Champagne or Cava. It's great for everyday drinking, and it's pretty affordable. Professional wine critics love the fruity flavors of Prosecco and feel that Prosecco is the best alternative to Champagne on a budget. If buying a bottle of wine as a Christmas present for a lady, Prosecco would definitely be included.


Asti, also a sparkling wine from Italy, must be made from 100% white Moscato Bianco. Asti sparkling wine is made using the tank champagne method rather than the secondary fermentation method, due to the lower cost and quick time to market of using tank champagne. Sti sparkling wines are floral, peach flavours and high acidity to support the sweetness in the wine. Asti should be drunk while young, not aged. For wine lovers who are just getting started, it is certainly good to choose Asti to celebrate Christmas, and the most important thing is that it will not empty your pockets.
