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Drinking artifact: oak bottle that instantly enhances the taste of wine

Time:2022-04-22 Views:

Recently, a wine bottle made of oak has been developed, which can effectively improve the taste of cheap wine in about 2 days, such as giving wine cherry, vanilla, maple syrup and coffee flavor. Among them, the types of wines with the best taste improvement are Chardonnay, Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon.

What is the holy grail of being able to "age" a cheap wine in less than 2 days in a simple wooden bottle into what looks like a great vintage made with a complex process? It turned out that the inventor of this oak bottle was a Canadian businessman, Joel Paglione. Mr. Pauline, 30 years old and living in Chicago, has been researching the container for three years.

It is well known that many fine wines are aged in oak barrels for decades before bottling, so consumers often have to pay extra for this. This means that wine lovers can stop paying more to enjoy the oak flavors of top wines. It is reported that the material of this oak bottle is the same as that of American oak barrels, and the retail price of a single bottle overseas is about 500 yuan (80 US dollars). After buying this wine bottle, users only need to pour the wine into the bottle and store it for up to 2 days. It is worth mentioning that, in addition to the wine types mentioned at the beginning, this oak bottle has a significant effect on the taste of brandy, bourbon and tequila.

"The oak bottle is a revolutionary invention that allows wine or spirits to have the taste of vintage wines that have been aged in oak barrels within 24 to 48 hours," said Pauline, who comes from a family of winemakers. , and when he was old enough to help, he began to think, "Why does it take so much time to mature the wine in small oak barrels?" The answer given by Pauline's father was: the smaller the barrel, the wine's flavor changes. The faster the more obvious. So, in order to minimize the time of this process, Paulin spent 3 years making this smallest oak container.

For those who can't afford a 20 year old whisky or a 10 year old wine, this oak bottle does them a big favor - a high-quality drink without breaking the bank. Of course, that's not to say that an oak bottle can turn a boxed wine into a $500 bottle of wine, but it does make the mundane taste even better.

Although the product has been on the market for a short time, it has already been recognized by many chefs, including Miss Karmel, the star of the American culinary industry. Carmel experimented with agave for this oak bottle, and it turned out that the taste of the agave has indeed been amazingly improved - more complex and mature, and there is a considerable oak flavor.
