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Drinking wine without a corkscrew? Just these three tips

Time:2022-06-27 Views:

Hello everyone, today the editor is here to share dry goods with you again. Have you ever encountered a scene where you can't open the red wine? Anyway, the editor has encountered it. During family gatherings or friends gatherings, you may bring out your own wine. In this case, it is easy to forget to bring a bottle opener. Today, Xiaobian brings you a few tips.

1. Open wine with a book or a towel

Find a thick book (several layers of towels) and press it on the wall, then place the red wine horizontally and horizontally, hit the writing with the bottom of the bottle, and hit it a few more times. Under the impact of the wine and air, the cork will slow down. Push it out slowly, and when it comes out almost completely, stop the impact and shake it a few times with your hands to pull it out.

Many people will be more worried about breaking the wine bottle. In fact, don't worry, the bottom of the wine bottle is much stronger than you think. As long as it is in the impact position, use a thick book, towel, clothes, foam or even the heel pad. , give a buffer, and the cork can be easily pushed out.

2. Screws and screwdrivers

Clever use of the screws and driver inside. Screw the screw into the cork to a depth of at least 1.5 cm, then use a screwdriver/vise, hold the wine bottle with one hand, and pull the screw with the screwdriver, and the cork will be pulled out along with the screw. This method is relatively laborious.

3. Hot water to open red wine

Girls who really don’t want to spend much effort can choose to get a pot of warm water, and then heat the red wine in the warm water for a while. As the limited air inside expands, the cork will be pushed out. This method is convenient and fast, but the red wine is also heated, and the quality will be slightly impressed, so this method is not recommended for too good red wine.
