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How is your favorite wine preserved after opening the bottle?

Time:2022-04-19 Views:

I believe that many drinkers have encountered such a problem. Open a bottle of fine wine, but can't drink it all at once. If the remaining part cannot be properly preserved, it will be tasteless when drinking again, which is a pity. So, how long does an opened bottle of wine last? How should it be properly preserved? Today, we have the answer for you.

1. What happens to the wine after the bottle is opened?

First, let’s take a look at what happens to wine after it’s been opened. The development of wine is a process closely related to oxidation. Oxygen is "enemy and friend" to wine. For still astringent wines, the right amount of oxygen can help the wine "breathe" better to release its potential aromas and flavors. At the same time, the "breathed" wine will also become more supple and round on the palate. Therefore, when we feel that the aroma of a wine has not been fully opened, we will choose to pour the wine into the decanter to allow the wine to fully contact with oxygen.

However, when the sobering is over, the effect of oxygen becomes very "subtle". Excessive oxidation can affect the taste, aroma and structure of wine. This is because wine contains phenols and anthocyanins that are extremely sensitive to oxygen. Under the action of oxygen, the pigment substances in the wine will gradually decrease, and the aroma and flavor will gradually fade away. In addition to this, in the presence of sufficient oxygen, the acetic acid bacteria will proliferate and act on the alcohol, converting it into sharp acetic acid.

2. How long can wine keep after opening?

How long can wine be kept after opening? In fact, there is no uniform answer to this question, and the exact time depends on the style of the wine and how it is preserved. There are many types of wine, those with more phenolic substances, tannins and pigments have stronger "antioxidant capacity", can be stored for a longer time, and produce complex changes, such as some high-quality Italian Barrows Barolo, it doesn't even fully "bloom" until the day after opening the bottle. In addition, organic and biodynamic wines can only maintain their good state for a relatively short period of time after opening the bottle due to the minimal amount of added antioxidants.

All in all, red wines generally last longer than white wines. Red wines can be kept well sealed for around 5 days, while white wines can only be kept for 3 days. Sparkling wine is undoubtedly the shortest storage time, because it contains carbon dioxide bubbles, so it can only be consumed within 1 to 3 days.

3. How to store wine after opening?

There are many ways to preserve wine after opening, but the basic principle is to isolate or reduce the contact between wine and oxygen. The following small series provide you with a few more practical methods.

1. Refrigerate

It is the most convenient and easiest way to stop the bottle and store it in the refrigerator. It is worth noting that please keep the bottle upright to reduce the contact area between the wine and the air. If the remaining wine is well sealed and there is more remaining wine, it can be stored in the refrigerator for a week or more. You can also use plastic wrap if the cork cannot be resealed.

2. Replacing the small container

If you have a small-capacity wine bottle (such as 375ml), you can pour the unfinished wine into the small wine bottle and plug the bottle to reduce the contact area between the wine and the air, thereby reducing oxidation. Although this method is a little complicated, if the replaced small wine bottle is filled with wine liquid and resealed, it can have a good preservation effect. Remember, do not use dishwashing liquid or detergent to wash small-capacity wine bottles, so as not to leave residues that will contaminate the wine.

3. Vacuum method

Using a vacuum pump to draw air out of the wine bottle keeps the wine from coming into contact with oxygen, helping the wine to last longer. But this method is not suitable for sparkling wine, because it will cause it to lose its bubbles. Vacuum pumps are usually available in supermarkets or wine stores.
