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How long does wine keep after opening?

Time:2022-05-09 Views:

Many things have a shelf life, even wines with strong aging potential are no exception, especially after opening the bottle, after contacting with oxygen, its aroma begins to gradually dissipate, the flavor begins to fade, and even alcohol is gradually lost. Volatile. This is really melancholy, so how long can the wine be stored after opening, and how can it be stored to maximize the flavor of the bottle?

How long can wine keep after opening?

There is no definite answer to this question. Generally speaking, an opened bottle of wine needs to be consumed within 5 days, the exact time depends on the style of the wine and how it is preserved.

For red wine, under the premise of scientific preservation, wine with darker color and fuller body should be stored than wine with lighter color and lighter body. Light-bodied Pinot Noir wines, for example, are extremely sensitive to oxygen, while wines such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah and Malbec tend to last longer. In addition, wines brewed by organic and biodynamic methods, because they do not add any additional antioxidants, can only maintain their good state for a relatively short period of time after opening the bottle.

In general, red wine can be stored longer than white wine, red wine can be stored for up to 5 days in a well-sealed condition, while white wine can only be stored for 3 days. Sparkling wine is undoubtedly the shortest storage time, because it contains carbon dioxide bubbles, so it can only be consumed within 1 to 3 days.
