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How many of these common bottle openers do you know?

Time:2022-04-01 Views:

A bottle opener is an essential tool for every wine lover, and the process of opening a bottle of fine wine is also an important part of the wine experience. There are many kinds of bottle openers on the market, the common ones are T-shaped bottle opener, butterfly bottle opener, rabbit ear bottle opener, seahorse knife bottle opener and Ah-So bottle opener, etc. Which one is better? Favored by people in the industry, which one is more popular with you?

1. T-shaped bottle opener

The T-shaped corkscrew is one of the most original and traditional corkscrew tools. It consists of 1 handle and 1 auger with a very simple structure. When using a T-shaped corkscrew, simply screw the auger into the cork and lift the cork by pulling on the handle. Although this bottle opener is easy to operate, it is laborious.

2. Seahorse Knife Opener

The seahorse knife is a constant bottle opener tool for wine serving staff, and it enjoys the reputation of "the friend of the waiter". It is composed of an auger, a cutting knife, a handle and a movable arm with one or two card positions. It is shaped like a seahorse, small in size and very convenient to carry. It is a must-have for wine lovers. It is used as follows:

(1) Wipe the wine bottle with a clean tablecloth or paper towel;

(2) Open the cutting knife, hold the bottle body with one hand and the cutting knife with the other, and draw a half circle clockwise along the lower edge of the bottle lip (the annular convex part of the bottle mouth), and then cross the other half circle counterclockwise. , to completely cut off the bottle seal;

(3) Make a knife with the tip perpendicular to the incision and lift the bottle cap;

(4) Wipe the mouth of the bottle clean with a table cloth or paper towel;

(5) Insert the tip of the auger into the center of the cork at a 45-degree angle, and gradually rotate until it is upright;

(6) Slowly screw the auger into the cork in a clockwise direction, and stop rotating when about one ring of the exposed part of the auger remains;

(7) Hold the first-level card position closest to the cutter head to the bottle mouth, fix the card position with one hand, and hold the handle with the other hand and slowly lift it upward until the cork cannot be moved upward;

(8) Hold the second-level card position away from the cutter head to the bottle mouth, and repeat step (7) (if the wine knife only has a first-level card position, pull directly until the cork is about to be completely pulled out);

(9) When the cork is about to be completely pulled out, stop pulling the handle, then hold the cork with your hand and shake it gently to take it out;

(10) Hold the cork with one hand and rotate the wine knife counterclockwise with the other hand until the cork is detached.
