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How to open a wine bottle with a screwdriver?

Time:2022-03-15 Views:

How to open a wine bottle with a screwdriver? (Recommended reading: Where to sell red wine starter, how much is red wine starter)

How to open a bottle (1): Use a towel to cushion the wall, and slowly smash the bottom of the red wine towards the wall where the towel is cushioned. After a few more hits, it will be OK. Pay attention to two points: put the front row and the folded towel on the wall, of course, to prevent the red wine bottle from being smashed; second, bump the bottom of the red wine bottle against the towel, remember not to use too much force and not too much time when hitting Long, otherwise there will be a full house. As long as you bump it for a while, you will see the cork at the mouth of the bottle slowly come out. When the cork is halfway out, you can easily pull it out, and the red wine will be opened intact! However, although hitting the bottle does not require too much force, it is also considered physical labor, so this method of opening the bottle is better done by male compatriots.
