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How to open wine without a corkscrew?

Time:2022-05-27 Views:

In life, there is no bottle opener, or a bottle opener is not a good friend. How to open cork wine? This is also the way.

1. Towel opening method.

Find a thicker towel, stack several layers, wrap the bottom of the bottle, hold your hand at the neck of the bottle, and gently hit the wall (pay attention to the force, too light will not come out; too heavy the bottle may break ), slowly, the cork will be exposed little by little. If it comes out 1 cm, don't use the above method (to prevent the cork from falling off and the wine will spill out), then use other tools to clamp the cork out.

2. The method of opening wine with a screwdriver.

Find a large screw, screw it in with a screwdriver, leave part of it outside the stopper, and then use a vise or scissors to clamp the screw and lift the stopper out using the principle of leverage (same as the bottle opener).
