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How to use a corkscrew to open red wine corks

Time:2022-05-25 Views:

, First clean the wine bottle, then use a knife to cut the rubber cap of the bottle mouth, and then wipe the bottle mouth clean.

2. At this time, insert the tip of the auger into the center of the cork, then upright the auger, slowly rotate it clockwise and drill into the cork, first fasten the first movable joint to the bottle mouth, and hold it tightly with your left hand.

3. Then use the right hand to lift the cork straight up halfway, then buckle the second joint to the bottle mouth and repeat the previous action.

4. If you feel that it is about to be pulled out, stop, hold the cork with your hand, shake or turn it gently, and the cork will be pulled out.

Opening wine is not as convenient as opening beer. In special business occasions, the step of opening a bottle is also regarded as an etiquette and is extremely important.

1. Press the back of the knife with your hand, and draw 180 degrees in a counterclockwise direction at the protruding part of the bottle mouth, and then draw 180 degrees in a clockwise direction. This will open the bottle seal, wipe the bottle mouth clean with a cloth or paper towel.

2. Then use the corkscrew auger to align the middle of the cork, and turn it vertically downwards clockwise. To control the force, do not drill through the cork. Drill slowly until the auger is almost all the way into the cork.

3. Then put the top button of the bracket to the bottle mouth, and the bottom of the bottle mouth, and then slowly remove the bottle stopper, do not take it out directly to prevent the sawdust from falling.

4. Finally, slowly pull the stopper out completely and you are done.

5. Notes:

After removing the cork, you should smell it to determine if the wine is contaminated or spoiled. The cork is very clean, and it will not stain the wine when you plug it in, so you can drink it with confidence. Try to keep the cork intact so that broken wood chips don't fall into the wine.

6. The price of ordinary bottle openers is not high. You can buy them in supermarkets for a few yuan. It is recommended to buy one and keep it at home to avoid the embarrassment of being unable to open the cork temporarily. , Different brands and prices vary greatly. If you use it frequently at home, it is recommended to buy high-grade products, which are not easy to damage and also show your taste. Do not leave the task of opening the cork to underage children. Do not use screwdrivers, scissors or even kitchen knives to open the corks together, avoid breaking the glass, and be more careful not to hurt your hands. Don't try to burn the cork, don't try to break the glass to pour the wine. If the glass on the bottle has shattered and could fall into the wine, do not pour the wine without inspection.
