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How to use a wine corkscrew

Time:2022-05-23 Views:

How to use the wine corkscrew There are different usage methods according to different types of corkscrews. No matter which tool it is, you should put the bottle upright first. It is best to hold the bottle and use a knife to cut around the neck of the bottle. Diaphragm, with a small serrated edge is the most suitable, then remove the sheet and throw it away, use a corkscrew, take out the cork as a whole, put the cork on the table, if you are interested in the aroma, you can smell the aroma of the wine, Wipe the mouth of the bottle clean with a small towel, and then you can start tasting the wine.

How to open wine without a corkscrew

If there is no corkscrew to open the wine, you can use the power tool method. You need to use the electric drill nails. Put the nails into the cork first, and then slowly start to pull the nails. The wine can be opened smoothly. If you are using an electric drill , then it is also good to open it with a power drill.

If you want to open red wine, you can also use the pressure method. First, insert the bicycle pump into the side of the cork and rinse it slowly until the cork begins to emerge. For safety, grab a pair of pliers and pull the cork upward until until it pops up.
