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No corkscrew! Can open red wine

Time:2022-03-18 Views:

Imagine having a picnic with friends on a cool weekend, and you've prepared a bottle of wine to accompany your hearty meal. But unfortunately, you forgot to bring a bottle opener. At this time, how to open this bottle to let you

1. Field towel bottle opening method

1. Cover the bottom of the wine with a towel.

 2. Put the bottom of the bottle against the wall or tree, keep the bottle body in a vertical state with the wall or tree, press the neck of the bottle with your hand, and hit the bottom of the bottle evenly and forcefully, and the cork will be pushed out slowly. If there are no walls or trees, you can also hit the bottom of the bottle with your knee or the sole of your shoe.

 3. Once the cork is partially pushed out, it can be pulled out by hand or pliers. Or you can keep hitting rhythmically until the entire cork is pushed out. If you want to open a bottle of carbonated beverage (such as champagne or beer), let it sit for 10-15 minutes before opening.


Second, the daily method of drinking wine at home

You can also try to use the following methods to pull out the cork. Work as carefully as possible to prevent the cork from splitting. Also, make sure that any tools that come into contact with the cork are clean, as dirty tools can contaminate the wine.

(1) pliers + screws

1. Take out a screw and a pair of pliers.

2. Drive part of the screw into the cork and leave the other part outside.

3. Use pliers to tighten the screw and pull out together with the cork.

(2) Knife bottle opening method

1. Use a fruit knife, or a serrated knife.

Note: The blade should not be too wide or too narrow, just enough to dig into the cork without cutting the edge of the cork.

2. Insert the blade into the center of the cork to avoid scratching the edge. Hold the bottle neck with one hand and slowly turn the handle to drive the cork to turn together; the force should not be too strong when turning. Then slowly lift the handle upwards and slowly pull out the cork.


(3) Hook bottle opening method

1. Find a hook or thin wire.

2. Use pliers to adjust the angle of the hook or wire appropriately.

3. Extend the hook from the side of the cork into the bottle, rotate the hook and hook the cork, and drag it out.

Note: It is best to wear a pair of gloves when operating to avoid the hook from scratching your fingers.


(4) shoelace bottle opening method

1. Find shoelaces or other sturdy strings.

2. Tie a knot at one end of the strap.

3. Use a strong steel needle to bring the strap into the bottom of the cork.

4. Take out the steel needle, pull the strap outward with force, and drive the cork to be pulled out together.
