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Open a bottle of champagne

Time:2022-04-13 Views:

The interpretation of the champagne label in the last section tells us how to carefully choose a bottle of champagne from the "flowers blooming" champagne. Are you eager to try the champagne that suits your taste buds? Open the bottle now. When it comes to opening a bottle of champagne, it seems simple, but it's not. If you want to become a champagne pie with outstanding wine skills, come and learn the stunt of champagne corkscrew.  

To say this stunt, the most important thing is patience. Champagne is a fine, delicate and beautiful wine. When opening the champagne, don't be impatient, you should be slow and gentle. Specific steps are as follows:      

Step 1: It is best to let the champagne stand a day before opening, and chill it an hour before opening, which is conducive to the stabilization of carbon dioxide pressure.

Step 2: Hold the bottom of the bottle neck with the left hand, the bottle mouth is inclined 15 degrees outward, and the right hand removes the lead seal of the bottle mouth, and loosens the twisted part of the lock mouth of the wire mesh sleeve.  

Step 3: To prevent the cork from bouncing out due to air pressure, cover it with a napkin while pressing it down with your hands. Support the bottom of the bottle with your other hand and slowly turn the cork. The bottle can be held a little lower, which will be more stable.  

Step 4: If you feel that the cork is about to be pushed to the mouth of the bottle, just push the cork head slightly to make a gap, so that the carbon dioxide in the wine bottle is released little by little to the outside of the bottle, and then quietly Pull the cork up. Don't make too much noise, at this time you will hear a wonderful "Queen Mary's Sigh".  

It is also worth noting that when the champagne is opened, the "bang" sound makes people feel comfortable and shows the charm of champagne! The extravagant sideshow of cork-popping wine bottles is fine for celebrations or parties, but it's a no-no on private occasions. A popped cork could hit a guest or a light, not only dangerous, but the champagne in the bottle would also spray out, so opening the bottle as quietly as possible is the real etiquette.

The above is an elegant way to open a champagne bottle at a banquet. Of course, there is another way to open the bottle of champagne. It is said that when the army returned from the battlefield triumphantly, the soldiers took the Moet & Chandon champagne from the crowd gathered to celebrate, and when they were excited, they directly took out the saber they carried and cut the champagne bottle. Cork, thus creating a proud tradition of opening the bottle with a saber.
