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Regarding wine storage, there are open and unopened bottles!

Time:2022-04-14 Views:

The storage of food and beverages has always been a topic of daily concern. So, when it comes to wine, how should this "most valuable thing God has given to man" be stored?

1. Can wine go bad?

Simply put, the answer is yes. However, whether and when a wine will spoil is determined by a combination of factors. In most cases, it is relatively easy to judge whether a bottle of wine should be kept for a while or should be drunk quickly. So, what to judge? Please read on.

2. Can all wines be stored for a long time?

Fine wines stored in the basement or cellar can acquire more subtle and complex tastes during the long maturation process. Good quality wines can be kept for one to two years unopened. If it is an ordinary daily table wine, just drink it when you buy it.

3. How to judge the aging potential of a certain wine?

A common misconception is that all red wines get better over time. However, this is not absolute, as this is highly dependent on the tannin content in the wine. Wines such as Tempranillo, Pinot Noir, Chianti and Barbera have low ageing potential due to their low tannin content, even after the grapes are harvested. the first year to drink. Wines such as Malbec, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah can be kept longer due to their higher tannin content and their taste will also change over time. It gets better over time.

As for white wines, common white wines such as Chardonnay, Pinot Gris and Sauvignon Blanc tend to be consumed within a few years and don’t get any better over time. Delicious.

4. The wine has been opened, how should it be stored?

As the saying goes, "If you don't drink sincerely, don't drink it". That said, once the wine is opened, you have to drink it up within a few days.

Taking white wine as an example, after opening the lid, if the wine cork is re-sealed and stored in the refrigerator, its quality can only be maintained for 3 to 7 days. Red wines are good for 3 to 5 days if they are covered and kept in a cool dark place.

5. How can you tell if the wine is suitable for drinking?

There are many ways in which wine spoilage can be identified. If you don't open the bottle, it is difficult to judge whether the quality of the wine is in good condition. It is very easy to judge if the wine is poured out a little. Some of the more common wine quality issues include whether the wine is visibly discoloured (like browning in white wines, or tarnishing in reds), and if there are strange, brutish flavors in the wine (like wet dog, wet cardboard, nail polish remover, etc.) . If it is still difficult to tell by the appearance and smell, you can simply taste it. If the wine is no longer in the drinking period, the change in taste is very obvious.

6. How to properly store wine?

If only short-term storage is planned, red wines can be stored in a cool, shady place. Most people may not have a wine cellar in their small apartment, so a wine rack might be a better option. White wine can also be stored this way, but at a lower temperature. If a wine has enough suitable environment, then storing it horizontally is the best way.
