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The cork is broken, how can I open the bottle?

Time:2022-04-19 Views:

When opening wine, have you ever accidentally broken a cork so that it can no longer be opened with a wine knife? It is a pity that there is no way to open and enjoy the wine at present. Regardless of whether you have ever encountered such an "embarrassment" or not, it is necessary to learn how to deal with this situation. After all, "unpredictable circumstances", if you or your friends and family encounter this problem in the future, you can make a big difference Skilled up.

Method 1: Use long screws

1) Find a long wood screw or metal screw.

2) Press the screw into the cork at the mouth of the bottle with your thumb, be careful not to be too angry, then turn the screw to let it penetrate into the cork.

3) After the screw has been submerged more than a quarter of an inch into the cork, pull out the screw together with the cork.

Method 2: Use a sharp knife

1) Find a sharp knife with a longer blade and insert it into the cork to a depth of about an inch.

2) Turn the sharp knife to pull out the cork.

Method 3: Put it to death and then live

If neither of the above two methods
