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There are many kinds of red wine corkscrews,

Time:2022-06-10 Views:

There are many kinds of red wine corkscrews, and different wine corkscrews are used in different ways. Let’s follow along to learn about the usage of various red wine corkscrews.

    1. Open the knife of the seahorse knife, then press the bottle stopper with your thumb, hold the red wine bottle with the other hand, and then use the knife to cut the tin foil. Cut the incision smooth and round.

    2. Open the screw, touch the center of the cork with the tip of the screw, the screw and the cork are at 45 degrees, press down the screw to insert and rotate halfway down, then make the auger perpendicular to the surface of the cork, screw it in until it is one and a half turns away from the thread .

    3. Use the upper section of the hoof of the seahorse knife head, press the bottle mouth, and lift the handle up until the knife is lifted. Then screw all the remaining screws into the cork, press the outside of the hoof against the mouth of the bottle, and lift the handle of the knife firmly until the bottle is opened. If there is still a little cork that has not been pulled out, then you can clamp the bottle with your legs and pull out the cork forcefully, then you will hear a bang and the process of opening the bottle is over.

    1. Clean the red wine bottle first, then use a knife along the circular protrusion of the bottle mouth to cut the rubber cap that seals the bottle mouth, and only turn the bottle without turning it. If it is old wine, there will be some normal precipitation at the bottom of the bottle. , if you spin the bottle, the sediment will float. Be careful when handling tin caps as they can leave sharp edges.

    2. Wipe the mouth of the bottle with a paper towel. If mold is found on the top of the cork, just wipe the bottle neck with a clean paper towel. If it is an old bottle with a lead cap, be aware that the oozing wine will react with lead and become toxic lead salts.

    3. Then insert the corkscrew auger into the center of the cork, then upright the auger and slowly rotate it clockwise to drill into the cork.
