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Tips for opening wine bottles

Time:2022-02-16 Views:

Bake along the beer bottle cap with a lighter for 1 minute. There is a black rubber ring inside the beer bottle cap, which will expand when heated. Quickly break it with your hand and the bottle cap will fall off. This method is very practical. Even girls with little strength can easily open the bottle cap. Maybe everyone is worried about whether fire and wine will cause burning and explosion, because the degree of beer is relatively small, so there will be no such consequences. , and it won't take too long to burn a beer lid, you don't have to worry, in this case, you don't have to rack your brains to figure out how to open the beer lid, you can easily deal with this trick.

Align one end of the key with the gap between the cap and the bottle, rotate it upwards and pry it up a few times, and repeat this action until the cap completely falls off.

Prepare two unopened bottles of beer, one on the table and the other upside down, with the caps of the two bottles touching each other. Then use the inner knuckle of the thumb to press the bottom of the bottle cap of the bottle above, and press gently to open the bottle cap of the wine below.

Place the edge of the bottle cap on the window sill, corner of the wall or the corner of the table, tap the bottle cap with your hand, and you can open it immediately. Use the corner of the table to pry it open, this method also requires a certain amount of force. There are also many "regulars" at the wine table who have mastered a method to open beer with chopsticks or spoons. This method is not used by ordinary people. It requires a certain amount of strength and skills. It can cause hand injury, so there is still a certain risk.
