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What types of corkscrews are there?

Time:2021-12-13 Views:

There are actually many styles and types of corkscrews. Each corkscrew has a different shape and can handle different situations and occasions.


1. T-shaped corkscrew


The most commonly used, including what we usually prepare at home is the T-shaped corkscrew. This kind of corkscrew is the simplest and most common, but using this kind of corkscrew requires the auger to be inserted into the cork, so it takes a lot of effort.


2. Butterfly-shaped corkscrew


Because the T-shaped bottle opener is laborious, people will soon turn their attention to another butterfly-shaped bottle opener, also called a butterfly-shaped bottle opener. Butterfly-shaped corkscrew uses the principle of leverage, which is not only easy to operate, but also does not require much effort. However, if you need to open a wine with a longer age, it is not suitable to use this corkscrew, because it will easily damage the cork. .


3. Seahorse knife corkscrew


The hippocampus corkscrew is also very common. This is a must-have corkscrew for the staff in bars and restaurants. This corkscrew is small, easy to carry, and can be used for all kinds of wines, but the method of using the seahorse knife is more complicated, except for the professional bartenders. Most people rarely use this corkscrew.


For people who often drink and love wine, the corkscrew is a must-have item. In order to be able to deal with various wines well, people have also invented many different types of corkscrews. If you have a need, you can first consider the type of wine you often drink, and then choose the most suitable and simple corkscrew under the recommendation of a professional person!
