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corkscrew method

Time:2022-03-16 Views:

Before using the corkscrew to open the bottle, firstly along the upper edge of the protruding part on the side of the bottle mouth, use a toothed wine knife (ordinary knife can also be used, but it is not easy to use, and it needs to be cut a few more circles) to cut it in a circle. Seal the bottle and peel it off to reveal the cork. If the action is skilled, the cut sealing paper and the sealing iron on the top of the bottle (the iron one is rarely used now, but the name has been used all the time), should be a complete shape like a soda cap. Note that in this process, try not to rotate the wine bottle (although it is easier to operate), so as to avoid the sediment at the bottom of the bottle being disturbed and floating, especially the old wine that has been aged for a long time, the sediment will be more. Yes, new wine doesn't matter. It should be noted that if the paper is cut along the upper edge, it is necessary to use a drip ring when pouring the wine to prevent the wine from being contaminated by the remaining sealing paper. Otherwise, the paper should be cut along the lower edge of the bottle mouth, or the entire sealing paper should be removed.

There are many ways to pull out the cork to open the bottle. Spiral wine knife, auger, pneumatic type, electronic type, etc. can be used. Pay attention to stop when the cork is about to be completely pulled out of the bottle mouth, hold the cork with your hand and press Gently rotate and pull out slowly to avoid loud "waves" (except for champagne in some cases). This is generally a standard action of a hotel sommelier or waiter, which is more elegant and does not affect other guests. If it is a gathering of acquaintances or relatives at home, these red tapes are also avoided as much as possible.

It should also be noted that when using the auger-type bottle opening method, if the length of the cork of the wine is not known in advance, it is better to drill a little less, not to the end, so as not to drill through the bottom of the cork and cause the cork to be broken. Drop into wine. If a pneumatic bottle opener is used, when the water level of the wine is high (that is, the distance between the top surface of the wine liquid and the bottom surface of the cork is small), be careful not to submerge the air hole at the end of the air needle of the bottle opener into the wine If you pull it up, the wine will enter the bottle opener and it will be useless (I just lost a pneumatic bottle opener because I didn't pay attention).
