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how to open red wine

Time:2022-06-08 Views:

To open red wine, you need to use a key. Insert the key into the wooden stopper diagonally, then hold the head of the key, and turn the stopper clockwise. After a few more rotations, the stopper can be easily taken out.

If you want to open the red wine, you can also use a toothpick, insert a few toothpicks on the stopper, and then pull it hard, the wine stopper will be slowly pulled out with the toothpick, which is also a very simple method.

The cork of a red wine bottle is difficult to get out. You can also use a lighter. The lighter evenly heats the bottle mouth. After being heated, it will expand and come out slowly. There will be some hot hands around the bottle mouth when heating. Do not use it. If you touch it, you can also put the red wine into the warm water, which will also expand due to heat, and the stopper of the red wine will slowly move outward.

If you want to open red wine, you can also prepare a pair of pliers and a screw, screw part of the screw into the wooden stopper, leave the other part outside, clamp the screw with pliers, and pull out together with the wooden stopper.
